Ashish Gangani

Musician: Mehek
Musician: Echoes

Ashish Gangani hails from a family of traditional kathak exponents and eminent percussionists of the Jaipur Gharana. He began training in the intricate art of Pakhawaj playing, at a tender age of 12 under the tutelage of his father Shri Ravi Kumar Gangani, followed by his training in the skillful guidance of the famous Tabla /Pakhawaj percussionist Pt. Fateh Singh Gangani ji. He later joined the National institute of Kathak Dance, Kathak Kendra and acquired the finest nuances in able guidance of the eminent pakahawaj maestro Pt. Ravi Shankar Upadhaya. He was recipient of the esteemed scholarship from Kathak Kendra. He has performed extensively both as an established soloist and a fine accompanist. Currently he is working in the Aditi Mangaldas Dance Company – The Dhrishtikon Dance Foundation repertory as a Pakhawaj Player. Ashish has taken part in many major festivals throughout the country and abroad and with his engaging stage presence has earned acclamations for his Layadaari (command over tempo) and Taaldari (expertise in different talas).

Follow Ashish Gangani – @ashish.gangani.39

Page last updated December 2023